Hello, last played 2 years and some change ago but I did have progress as a level 71 Confessor with about 70 hours ingame.
I’m not sure what I’ve completed and not sure if there’s a new system ingame to see that or no. If not I do like using the “context clues” like my items and what not to kinda gauge what I’ve done.
I think for now I just want tips on Journaling my journey(s) and also how do you get most out of your time in game? Being a new father and all. I use to play upward to 6 hours in a day at times usually playing 1 or 2. Now I’m looking at maybe 45 min which is plenty to prepare for bossfight or beat the boss or even get a look at some stuff/explore but sometimes it feels like I’ve done nothing new in the 45 minutes.
I’d also answer any questions or make conversation about our gameplay here as well if you’d like. Thank you
I've been playing Minecraft Alpha using the Betacraft 2.0 launcher for a week or two now. So far it's been a lot of fun since I never experienced Alpha back in it's prime. But, my one small nitpick is that i've been playing without sound or music working the whole time. Currently i'm on Alpha 1.2.0\_02 and no matter what I do and look up for whatever version so far nothing seems to work for me. I started another world on Beta 1.7.3 and the sound works just fine for that version. It was said online that you don't need to use the Betacraft proxys for Betacraft 2.0 launcher and I tried using those but didn't work. I also played without additional JVM arguments and same result. I'm playing on my Macbook using MacOS Sequoia if wondering. How do I fix this? Do I have no choice but to play without sounds? Did I miss something?
I'm including a video of what I experience in-game including me struggling to punch a chicken XD
I have a pretty big cyst on my right ovary. I was told I wouldn’t get a surgery date until 2-3 months. Is this normal ? I have never dealt with something like this.
Hi everyone,
I’m in a relationship with a guy, but I come from an orthodox family where my parents have always been very clear that they are against love marriages. Since childhood, they’ve subtly hinted that they would never approve of it, especially an intercaste marriage. Growing up with this mindset, I made a firm decision to only consider an arranged marriage because I didn’t want to face any conflict with my family.
Everything was fine until I met this guy in college, and I ended up falling for him. As my parents started looking for marriage matches for me, I eventually told them that I liked him. My father was shocked, as he never expected me to go against their views. He said he would never approve of an intercaste marriage, as he believes it's a sin and would affect our future generations. He asked me to show him any elder or guruji who supports intercaste marriages. I’ve researched and found that many people still believe it’s a sin and that it would have negative consequences on ancestors and future generations.
I am Vyshya, and he is Kshatriya, which is considered a "prathilom" marriage according to some views. I don’t know what to do. My brother was also in a relationship that my parents didn’t approve of, and he tried convincing them for two years before giving up due to concerns about my parents’ health.
I cannot marry someone else because it would feel like I’m cheating on this guy, especially since I was the one who initiated the relationship. But at the same time, I don’t want to hurt my parents or disregard their wishes.
Things are getting tense at home, and I’m feeling stuck. I’m seeking advice, especially from anyone who has knowledge of Hinduism or intercaste relationships. What should I do in this situation? Any suggestions or perspectives would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
What is the best emulator for playing Donkey Kong for N64 that doesn’t have a ton of lag issues. I’ve tried searching everywhere but it seems a lot of info is from years ago. Any help is really appreciated!
any suggestions for a rehearsal dinner spot in or around Ruston/Point Defiance area? Can also be in Tacoma proper. Not super picky, those areas are just closer to the hotels.
As a type B everything, searching for a place is becoming exhausting and overwhelming. Any suggestions are welcome!
Also open to places in the Gig Harbor area.
Hello! I'm buying a ticket from a reseller for Seventeen's concert in Bangkok, as the title suggests, is there a way to check the ticket's legitimacy?
Does TTM help you verify it? Thank youuuu!
In Wheels on Meals (1984), the two protagonists, Thomas (Jackie Chan) and David (Yuen Biao), are depicted as somewhat naive and innocent when it comes to romance, despite their impressive martial arts skills. When Sylvia (Lola Forner), the film’s main female lead, seemingly invites them into bed, they both abruptly decline.
I initially thought it might have been a case of something being lost in translation, but there doesn’t seem to be any explanation or motive behind it. The entire buildup of them trying to win her over only for them to go the opposite direction, hugging each other, feels completely unexpected.
Feel embarrassed to ask this tbh but I'm autistic and I've never known how to approach people. I'm going to a gig on Friday, it'll be my first time going on my own and it would be nice to meet people instead of standing round like a banana before it starts, but how? I know lots of people go to gigs solo and just start chatting with people but I don't know how to do that without coming off as weird.
Naoya's Projection Sorcery allows him to accelerate his movements to inhuman speeds, creating afterimages and attacking faster than most sorcerers can react. But what if he had made a Binding Vow to remove his ability to use Projection Sorcery on his body, instead applying it exclusively to his testicles and semen?
This would be a massive downside, as he’d lose his greatest advantage in combat. However, the payoff would be immeasurable—his balls would now generate semen at 24 frames per second, creating a high-frequency cum vibration technique. Each time he moved, his testicles would accumulate stored kinetic energy, building up immense pressure in his prostate.
The moment he released, it would fire out at relativistic speeds, essentially erasing anything in its path via friction-induced combustion. His domain expansion, "Flash Flood", would activate a Binding Vow that forces everyone inside to experience extreme arousal, forcing them to produce semen at an uncontrollable rate. However, Naoya himself would be in the worst possible state, as his cum generation would increase to the point where his own technique was destroying his body.
If he fought Sukuna like this, Sukuna's two dicks would be forced into infinite ejaculation mode, emptying his CE reserves within seconds while Naoya, at the peak of his Speed Cum State, would fire off a final shot so potent that it would rupture space-time, erasing anything in a 10km radius.
By the end, the entire battlefield would be flooded in a bottomless ocean of hyper-compressed semen, drowning every sorcerer and curse caught in the blast

I've gone over the documentation for scaling; however, I can't seem to fix this. Here I have a Panel node working with scaling/resizing on the right, but the tab container won't scale with this. I sort of solved the issue by setting the size.y to the viewport window size.y; however, this does not work when it scales down as shown. I did try to toggle the "Expand" option in the container sizing with no luck as well.
Here is the line that fixes the scaling issue when scaling up, without this it just would not move:
get\_node("/root/Main/Resource Panel").size.y = get\_viewport().get\_window().size.y